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Ellen Wilkinson
Primary School

** School Return Information (September)**

Dates and Times

When will children be returning?

All children will be returning in September. Dates for this are below.

All children will also need to complete an hour induction session before starting school. This will give them the chance to meet their teacher, go into their new classrooms and understand the change in rules and expectations that COVID means we need to make in school. Times for your child’s induction session are currently being sent out to all parents.

Year group

Gate to use

Induction Day

1st Full Day Back


Pupil gate (Mitchell Walk)

Friday 4th September

Tuesday 8th September


Pupil gate (Mitchell Walk)

Friday 4th September

Tuesday 8th September

4 (Octopus)

Emergency gate (near car park)

Friday 4th September

Monday 7th September

4 (Seahorse)

Emergency gate (near car park)

Friday 4th September

Monday 7th September


Emergency gate (near car park)

Friday 4th September

Monday 7th September


Emergency gate (near car park)

Friday 4th September

Monday 7th September


Pupil gate (Mitchell Walk)

Friday 4th September

Tuesday 8th September


Children’s Centre

Monday 7th &

Tuesday 8th September

Wednesday 9th September

(until lunchtime only)

  • Parents should bring their child to the correct gate and queue with social distance.
  • Only 1 adult per child please.
  • Children will then be collected by staff from the gate and walked to the classrooms, we are sorry but parents are still not allowed on site unless by invitation at the current time.
  • Children must be collected promptly from the same gates they are dropped at.
  • 1 adult will be able to attend with their child for reception induction (no other adults or children including prams/pushchairs please).
  • Once normal school starts all parents must wait with their child at the school gates until they are collected by staff.


Does my child have to attend?

  • Yes. It is a legal requirement that all children return to school in September.
  • We also expect all children to attend their induction session - this is extremely important to support their wellbeing and health and safety.

Are there changes to school times?

  • Yes. Details of these are below.
  • Start and end times have changed as we need to stagger these to avoid too many people being clustered together at the gates.
  • You will also notice that different gates are being used. These are the same ones you will use for induction.
  • Every gate will only be open for 10 minutes so your child must be dropped off and collected by this time.
  • This is to stop bubble groups mixing.


Year group

Gate to use

Start Time

End Time


Pupil gate (Mitchell Walk)

8.50 – 9.00



Pupil gate (Mitchell Walk)

8.50 – 9.00


4 (Octopus)

Emergency gate (near car park)

8.50 – 9.00


4 (Seahorse)

Emergency gate (near car park)

8.30 -8.40



Emergency gate (near car park)

8.50 – 9.00



Emergency gate (near car park)

8.30 – 9.00



Pupil gate (Mitchell Walk)

8.30 -8.40



Children’s Centre

8.30 -8.40



What if we are late?

  • It is extremely important you are on time for your gate session as you are risking ‘popping’ other children’s bubbles if you miss your gate slot. This creates a real risk for everyone involved.
  • Therefore, if you miss your time slot I am afraid you will have to wait until 9.20 to be let in via the pupil gate on Mitchell Walk, as staff will be occupied with letting different groups in. This will be classed as a late attendance.
  • It is also particularly important that children are collected on time as we have multiple gates to lock and unlock.

I have children in more than 1 year group, what should I do?

We realise that many parents have children in more than one year group so please see advice below to help support you in this situation.

  • Family groups come in at the earliest slot that a member of family has.
  • All children in that family (years 1 to 6) can then come in through that gate.
  • However, you must wait at the end of the queue to minimise mixing.
  • These children will also leave at this time too.
  • For example, if you have children in Year 6 and Year 1 both children would come in at 8.30 through the pupil gate and leave at 3.00.
  • Reception & Nursery children must be taken to their own gate by parents, we are sorry but they cannot access earlier start times.

What if my child is absent?

  • All children are expected to be in school ‘Every day and on time’.
  • Any absence, therefore, MUST be reported to the school on the first morning.
  • If your child is unwell (non-COVID) please use the free Studybugs app to record their absence and the reason (a link for this will be text to you before the end of term).
  • Studybugs is not only quicker than waiting in a phone queue to speak to someone, it also links you to Public Health England guidance for the symptoms your child is showing.
  • As always, please make sure any medical or dental appointments are made for outside of school times.


Uniform, PE Kit & Book Bags

Will children wear school uniform?

  • Yes. All children should be back in school uniform in September.
  • A uniform list will be sent out with the newsletter on Wednesday.
  • All children should come in clean clothes every day.


Can children use book bags?

  • These can be used but should have only water bottles and reading books in them – no other items please!
  • If you have school reading books at home please get your child to bring them back in on the first day.


What about PE kit?

  • Children will not be allowed to change for PE in school due to the current COVID restrictions.
  •  All PE will be outside. If it is raining the session will be cancelled.
  • Therefore, on PE days children will need to wear PE kit when they come in and will stay in it all day.
  • To support this the uniform policy has been changed a little about PE kits as children need to wear tracksuit or jogging bottoms as shorts will be too cold for them to spend the day in.


What about other items?

  • If it is cold, children can bring a coat or if it is hot, they can bring in a hat (please label both).
  • Scooters and bikes can be brought onto site and left in the bike shelters.


Can my child bring in a packed lunch?

  • Your child is entitled to a hot, free, healthy lunch every day. We would much rather they chose this option as it both minimises risk and provides them with the nutrition they need to get through a busy day of school.
  • However, if you feel very strongly that this is not the right option for your child; they will be allowed to bring a healthy packed lunch.
  • We would ask that you consider this very carefully before making a decision and, would encourage you to at least have your child try a school lunch for the first few weeks.



How will classes be organised?

  • All children will be back on classes of 30 in September – this is their class ‘bubble’.
  • Tables in years 1 to 6 will be facing forward in rows in accordance with government advice – therefore, children will be sitting next to but not facing each other.
  • Every child in Reception to Year 6 will have a resource pack for their use (to minimise sharing equipment).
  • Normal use of exercise books will resume and these will be marked by staff.
  • A 2 metre adult only space is marked at the front of every room.
  • Children will generally remain in their seats during class sessions.

Will the adult be their usual teacher?

  • Yes.
  • However, adults are now allowed to enter multiple bubbles if they remain socially distanced from children wherever possible and observe hygiene expectations e.g. hand washing.
  • Therefore, your child may have different staff on certain days.

Can my child mix with friends or relatives who may be in another class bubble?

  • Every class bubble will also be part of an area bubble.
  • This is the other classrooms that share the same toilets and central area.
  • At break and lunchtimes children from classes within the area bubble can play outside together and will be allocated half of the playground to play in.
  • Classes in an area bubble have also generally been given the same access gates and school times.
  • Unfortunately, at the moment children will not be able to mix with children from outside of their area bubbles.

What about social distancing?

  • The guidance has been updated and children do not have to social distance from each other, although they should be encouraged to do so where possible.
  • However other measures have been put into place to minimise risk where possible, this includes hygiene and cleaning routines and limiting large groups and mixing with large numbers of different children.
  • Adults should maintain social distancing wherever possible.

What about lunchtimes?

  • Areas will have staggered break and lunch times.
  • Children will be allowed to play outside with children from other classes as long as they are in their area bubble.
  • Every area will be allocated play equipment to use.
  • Each area will have approximately half the playground.
  • Hot lunches will restart in the hall but menus may be limited initially.
  • Classes will be brought in and will sit on a class table to eat.
  • Other classes from their area bubble will sit at their own class tables (socially distanced from the other class).
  • Once the classes have eaten, cleaners will clean all surfaces before the next area can come into eat.

What about toilets?

  • Every area bubble will be allocated its own set of toilets to use, children cannot use any others.


Well-being, Behaviour and Curriculum

How will you support children coming back to school?

  • This has been a challenging time for everyone and that includes children.
  • Many of our families have experienced illness, change in family circumstances and bereavement.
  • We realise that many children may be scared to be outside with others whilst others will be looking forward to it but find the restrictions they must follow difficult.
  • We have planned additional well-being sessions for all classes to help children process the experiences they have had.
  • All staff have received additional training in relation to supporting children’s mental health.
  • Our Learning Mentors will also be available to support children adjust as needed.

Will there be new school rules?

  • Our 3 school rules will stay the same. However, children will be expected to follow new directions in relation to hygiene and remaining within their bubbles.
  • If a child repeatedly refuses or is unable to follow these expectations, we will contact you to discuss this.
  • In the unlikely situation that this is repeated, a risk assessment will have to be put into place to support their school attendance.
  • Please note that the Governing Body have agreed an addendum to our behaviour policy because of the restrictions all schools are currently facing and the added health and safety importance of children following instructions.
  • This addendum will be sent to you with the newsletter and will shortly be on our website.


Will children be following their normal curriculum?

·The curriculum in school will be returning to normal as quickly as possible. However, we are very aware that all children have had their learning interrupted.

·Therefore, for the first one or two quarters we will be running an amended curriculum that will concentrate on ensuring any gaps in learning are addressed.

·However, a broad and balanced curriculum will be maintained so children progress in all subjects.

·PE sessions will take place outside so aspects such as gymnastics are being moved to later in the year.


How will Early Years (Reception & Nursery) work?

  • Early Years classrooms will be returning to similar setup as before school closures (Reception will be one bubble with the wall open).
  • The main difference is the range of resources may be different so that we can disinfect them between use.
  • Young children find it virtually impossible to socially distance from each other or adults, so good hygiene procedures and lots of hand washing are crucial.
  • The Early Years curriculum will be similar in organisation and content as any gaps in learning are smaller due to the age of the children.
  • Reception and nursery will also have permanent access to an outdoor space.
  • We will of course make use of this for as many activities as possible in addition to break and lunch play.

Will there be homework?

  • Yes, and it is more important than ever that you support your child to complete all work set to help address gaps in learning.

Hygiene & Cleaning


How are you promoting good hygiene?

  • Everyone entering the site must wash or sanitise their hands for 20 seconds.
  • We will be reinforcing this with children as they return.
  • Hands must be washed/sanitised frequently throughout the day including before and after using the toilet, before eating and when returning from the playground.
  • Every class and area bubble has a hygiene kit with antibacterial wipes, tissues and a lidded bin for these items to be placed in once used.
  • We will also reinforce the importance of using tissues if sneezing – “Catch it, bin it, kill it”
  • Rooms must always be well ventilated, so windows and doors will be left open wherever possible.

What is happening about cleaning?

  • An amended hygiene plan has been put into place for this time.
  • High contact areas (such as door handles) are cleaned a minimum of 4 times a day by the Premises Manager.
  • School cleaners have been employed to clean toilets, dinner hall and nursery (between sessions) regularly during the day.
  • Every room will be cleaned each night.
  • In Early Years, only resources that can be disinfected will be used and this will be done on a frequent basis.
  • Resources will not be shared across bubbles unless they have been disinfected and ideally left for 72 hours.

What about PPE?

  • You may wish your child to wear PPE whilst travelling but they should not wear it when they come into school and should take it off before entering the premises.
  • This is because a child is unlikely to wear a face mask for the entire day (particularly when running around outside) and therefore will want to take it off. This poses a bigger risk than not wearing one.
  • Staff will generally not be wearing PPE which is why the social distance areas are in place in all rooms (including staff areas).
  • Staff will only wear PPE if there is a risk of contact with bodily fluids i.e. first aid, or if they are involved with helping younger children use toilet facilities. They will also wear it if they are looking after someone who displays possible COVID symptoms.
  • In these cases, the PPE will be disposable gloves & aprons. They may also be wearing a clear visor.


What if my child needs first aid?

  • Qualified first aiders are on duty throughout the school including break times.
  • Temperatures will be taken using an infra-red thermometer. If your child has a temperature, we will contact you to collect them immediately.
  • If it is a minor injury (such as a graze) you will be informed in the usual manner by email if your child needed to receive first aid.
  • Please note that first aiders may be wearing PPE depending on the nature of the incident/illness.



COVID Symptoms

What if my child or someone in the household shows COVID symptoms?

  • If your child has symptoms of coronavirus - high fever, new continuous cough, loss of taste or smell – please arrange a test through the Test and Trace service immediately (call 119).
  •  Keep them at home and follow the self-isolation guidelines for you and your family until you receive the result of the test.
  • Please let us know the results of the test immediately.
  • Depending on the result, we will either ask you to self-isolate or let you know when you can return to school.


What if someone shows COVID symptoms during the day?

  • If someone feels unwell during the day with any of the symptoms of COVID they will be taken to a first aid isolation room and a member of staff (wearing full PPE) will stay with them. We will then contact the named family member to come and collect them immediately (or an ambulance in more severe cases).
  • Their temperature will be taken with an infrared thermometer.
  • Therefore, you MUST provide a contact number that will always be answered.
  • Once they are at home the same steps should be taken as are shown in the previous question.

What happens if there is a confirmed case of coronavirus in the school?

  • Anyone who has coronavirus symptoms must be tested through the Test and Trace service.
  • If anyone were to have a positive test, the Test and Trace service would arrange for advice and support to be provided to the school on what to do next.
  • We are minimising contact and mixing between children and between groups wherever this is practicable.
  • This will help to reduce the need of isolation if we were to have a positive test in the school community.



Other Information

Will breakfast and after school clubs be running?

  • Unfortunately, not at the moment.
  • We are looking at ways to reintroduce these as soon as possible whilst limiting the interaction of children from different area bubbles and making sure the additional cleaning that would be needed can take place.
  • We will contact parents as soon as we are able to do this.

Will I still receive Free School Meal Vouchers?

  • Free school meal vouchers will stop from September as children will be back full-time in school.


What if I need to speak to the school? Can I come into the front office yet?

  • Unfortunately, no. At the moment if you need to speak to someone you need to call or email us.
    • Tel: 020 7511 9414
    • Email:
  • Parents and visitors will only be allowed on site by invitation and we are trying to limit this as much as possible.


How can parents help?

  • It is essential that we get every child back into school as soon as possible and we need to work together to do this.
  • Please support and encourage your child and discuss the information that is in this guide.
  • Keep them reading and using online maths program during the summer.

  • Ensure your child attends their induction as we should be able to address any concerns at this time.
  • Commit to dropping off and collecting your children at the times stated and in the correct locations, we know this can be inconvenient, but we would not be doing this if it was not important! Thank you in advance for your patience as we get this organised.
  • Make sure you always follow the COVID guidance if anyone in your household shows symptoms and let us know immediately.
  • Provide the school with contact numbers that can be answered at any time during the day.

And finally, … keep talking to us! We have got this far as one community and although we know this next step may be concerning, please be assured we will continue to do everything we can to make sure your child has a happy and safe return to on-site education.