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Ellen Wilkinson
Primary School


How we teach History:

History is taught following the National Curriculum which will help pupils to gain an understanding of Britain's past, making links to the wider world.  Pupils are  encouraged to be curious about events that have shaped their lives today and the society within which they live.  Critical thinking plays a major factor in pupils learning; sifting through information and questioning the veracity of such.  History helps pupils to understand the complexity of people’s lives, the process of change, the diversity of societies and relationships between different groups, as well as their own identity and the challenges of their time.

How we ensure access for all:

We plan and prepare lessons that engage all pupils, heightening their curiosity.  Using objects and artefacts from the past ensures that every child has access to the learning; this is also supported through videos, books and other visual media.  For pupils who demonstrate a greater knowledge and depth, they are encouraged to share their knowledge through presentations and discussions. 

How we develop cultural capital:

Pupils visit local museums to see history come to life in the exhibits.  Pupils also benefit from practical learning through 'Hook days' - re-living life through drama and role play days, from the era being studied.  These have provided pupils with a deeper knowledge of how life was lived in the past.  Wherever possible, parents are invited to participate. In addition, each class holds an assembly to parents and the whole school, sharing their understanding of the period.

How we know your child is succeeding:

Success is measured through pupils outcomes, (both written and oral), debates, teacher conferencing, pupil voice (pupils discuss their learning with the subject leader) to name a few.  We are proud to hold to learning fairs - this is a child led fair.  The children create a presentation using visuals such as slides and videos. They present this to other children in the school; activities are also set up for children to participate in.  This is a vehicle for children to explain their understanding and to teach other children about their new-found knowledge and understanding.

How you can support your child: 

There are lots of websites to help children with their learning; in addition, museums are free of charge - a great day out for the family during summer holidays. Tasks can be set up during a visit, asking a child to find out as much information as they can about topics and eras.  Here are some useful links:

This quarter, we have studied a wide variety of topics through our enquiry based topics -' Who was the most important pilot?', 'How has crime and punishment changed?' 'What did the Mayans ever do for us?'  By the end of the quarter, we aim to answer the 'Big Question' through enquiry, investigation and debates.If you would like to find out more information please contact:

Subject Lead
Ms. Joy Osobu & Zulfiye Kahraman