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Ellen Wilkinson
Primary School

Quarter 1 (6 Sep - 16 Nov)

Harvest Festival Celebration

Harvest Festival Celebration

Reverend Peter zoomed in to lead our Harvest Festival and share with us what Harvest means to Christians.   All food donations were sent to Newham Food Bank.



We were delighted to send 12 of our children to compete at Newham Leisure Centre against other schools. The children were able to take part in a variety of activities which included, long jump, javelin, football and racing. EWPS eventually came 4th in the competition and all our children won medals. Well done everyone!

Fairplay House Residential

Many of our year 6 children spent last week on their residential journey at Fairplay House. They got the opportunity to try a range of activities including: archery, bushcraft, canoeing, zip line, high ropes and crabbing. Children usually get the opportunity to take part in a 3 day residential in year 5 and then a five day visit in year 6 and it really helps them develop their self-confidence and belief as they challenge themselves.

Athlete & Whole School Sports Event


We were very fortunate to have a professional athlete come into our school and run a circuit lesson for Reception to Year 6 . Gianni Frankis, a professional hurdler, then presented an inspirational assembly with the main theme of resilience. The money raised will help the school to buy new equipment to give our children different opportunities within sport.

Year 5 Chinese Immersion Week

In November Year 5 had  the amazing opportunity to take part in a Chinese Immersion Week!

In addition to daily Mandarin lessons and eye exercises -  they learnt about the history of China and its historical artefacts, panda conservation and the ancient form of Chinese calligraphy. 

We linked up with schools in Chengdu, China and were able to ask them questions about their school life. We found out about Chinese festivals and tried some Chinese food. We even had an afternoon learning Kung Fu! 

Year 6 Visit to The Dockland Museum


Year 6 visited the Dockland Museum to further investigate the history of the Royal Docks and local Area. 

This trip supported our history topic 'What is the most significant change for Newham in the last 150 Years'.