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Ellen Wilkinson
Primary School

New News Story

Cultural Day (Friday 26th May)

Please remember Friday 26th May sees the second and final Cultural Day Event for this academic year. This day will revolve around the topic 'The World at our Doorstep'. Each class will be looking at a specific continent. We ask for your help in supporting some of our activities. There is still time to bring in any bright fabric, clothes, sarees, scarfs, shiny sequins, laces, ribbons and haberdashery that you can kindly donate to help our wonderful children create carnival costumes. If there are any parents who are great seamstresses with or without sewing machines, we would love for your services. If you can volunteer for the day and help put together some fantastic costumes ready for our carnival dance at the summer fete.

The following classes will be looking at these specific continents and they can dress up on Friday 26th May in the traditional dress for this continent.

Nursery: Europe Reception: Africa
Year 1: Asia Year 2: Australasia
Year 3: South America
Year 4: North America
Year 5: Antarctica
Year 6: Russia