How we teach Geography:
Geography is taught under two strands - Physical geography, where pupils learn about the Earth - its formation, natural disasters and their causes, seas, rivers, mountains, the water cycle amongst other things. Human geography studies aspects relating to humans and their communities, cultures, economies, and interactions with the environment by studying their relations with and across locations.
How we ensure access for all:
We ensure that all pupils have access to the learning by making sure that the planning is accessible for every child; pupils who need it are provided with extra support - visual images and captions, videos, and books as examples. For pupils who demonstrate a deeper understanding and knowledge, they participate in events such as geography competitions within the borough, and are set tasks that will enable them to utilise their skills whilst extending their thinking.
How we develop cultural capital:
At the end of each term, children across KS1 and KS2 take part in a learning fair. The learning fair provides a unique opportunity for pupils’ to share their learning with other children from different year groups in the school. Each term, a group of children from each class are responsible for creating and delivering a presentation and range of activities based on what they have learnt that term. In addition, pupils go on educational visits - both in our local area and beyond.
How we know your child is succeeding:
Assessment of pupils’ work is ongoing and is used to inform teachers’ future planning. Teachers get evidence from books and written outcomes and also through questioning and direct observation of children in class. Information on a child’s progress in geography and is also reported to parents, in a written report at the end of each school year. In each lesson, the learning objectives and ‘musts’ (what children must do in order to be successful) are read and shared with the children, so expectations are clear, and they understand how to achieve the outcome.
How you can support your child:
You can have fun with your children by studying the world map and flags; you can create games by selecting a flag and learning about the country. Google Earth is a very interactive tool to use on the Internet; there are maps of our local area and places around the world. Some useful websites to help with homework and extra learning are:
This quarter, some of the Big Questions we have attempted to explain and discuss include 'Where am I?, Where does our food come from?, and Celebrating our world. Where did we come from?' to name a few.
Year 3 participated in a pizza making session with their teachers.
If you would like to find out more information please contact:
Subject Lead
Ms. Joy Osobu & Zulfiye Kahraman